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About Us

Cowling News is a monthly local newlsetter delivered around the village of Cowling, Yorkshire, England. It is free and is produced completely by a team of volunteers who give their time to its creation, printing and distribution around the village. The Cowling News is edited by Phoebe Robinson, and printed by Betty Hardaker. 


The newsletter is grant-aided by Cowling Parish Council and is a non-profit organisation, however is independent in content.


You can pick up a copy of Cowling News in local places such as I&S Bains village shop or if you live in the village you will probably receive a newsletter through your letterbox each month.



What is in the newsletter?


  • Local matters articles - we interview local tradespersons, business people and volunteers to find out about their business/organisation/job. If you would like to be featured in a local matters article then why not contact us on our social networking sites, e-mail us on the details featured in the newsletter or fill in a form on this website.




  • Local Groups Articles - The Cowling News features articles each month from various local groups including Cowling Parish Council, Moonrakers local history group, Cowling Village Hall as well as numerous other local organisations. We keep readers updated with all of these groups' latest news and dates.


  • Your letters - our 'Your Letters' section allows readers to have a voice and express their views about the local community. It also gives people the opportunity to get a message to the community. To submit a letter you can e-mail us using the details in the newsletter, or drop a note into the box in the shop, the village hall or Cowling Chippy.

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Links To Other Local Websites

Cowling Village Hall




Here are some local websites to give you an idea about the sort of things going on in the village. 

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