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You can take a look at the PDF version of the newsletter here!

All newsletters and contents are subject to copyright and our

terms and conditions apply. We will endeavour to keep this page

updated with the latest editions of the newsletter. Previous editions

of this newsletter are available on the link below.

Latest Newsletters

Local Matters and Articles
The following is a small archive of articles over the years.
Local Matters
Please note that some of the details included in the above articles may no longer be relevant however they were correct at the time of publication
Going Further Local - our new series of articles focusing on businesspeople who serve the people of Cowling from beyond our village
written by Phoebe Robinson

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on our lives, we have temporarily suspended producing the Newsletter, however we hope to restart soon. 


Please keep an eye out for further updates. 

(C) Cowling News



The Newsletters are all subject to copyright

All of the contents of the newsletter are strictly under the control of the editors and newsletter team. We are human so mistakes are occasionally made and we will rectify these where possible. All the effort going into this Newsletter, and its distribution, is given freely by volunteers. Submission of advertisements, articles, letters and other contributions for inclusion in this newsletter does not guarantee publication. We charge a small fee which must be paid in advance for all commercial advertisements, please contact us for any queries. The editor does not accept responsibility for, nor necessarily agrees with, any views expressed in such submissions and neither do they accept responsibility for any service or product advertised. Deadline for all contributions is 20th of the month, whether or not you choose to submit these via e-mail or using one of our drop-boxes. Submissions made after this date do not guarantee publication. 

This website is managed by Phoebe Robinson.


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